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myOtaku.com: t3hw0|f

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Things of mine to see:

I've never filled out so many little bubbles on a single sheet before.

It's registration time. I'm registering for the SATs and the ACTs as well as my senior year of high school. Needless to say, I am not looking forward to the SAT or ACT. Big tests with a lot of weight on my future and little room for error. It really sucks.

If anyone is interested, here's my class list for senior year:

* English 12A
* Spanish V
* Cisco Networking Academy III & IV
* Java II
* Physics A
* Pre-calculus A
* Trigonometry
* American Government

So next year I'll pretty much be tripled up on math. This year I'm pretty much doubled up on math. I'm counting Physics and Chemistry as math. Two thirds of those classes is math....

Anyways, I have to get to checking my email. My usual computer is down because the GPU had to go back to NewEgg, so I have to find the junk mail by hand..... Ugh.

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